Inclusive model region

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In the National Action Plan on Disability 2012-2020, Austria committed to the development of inclusive model regions with the aim of ensuring that pupils with special educational needs attend primary and secondary schools and that special schools are dismantled as far as possible. This commitment is concretised in the measure 125 supported by the federal government, federal provinces and municipalities. Inclusive model regions were set up in Carinthia, Styria, and Tyrol to test a range of measures for the inclusion of children and youth with disabilities in the school system and to assess them with a view to extending them to the entire federal territory. A joint concept for the implementation of inclusion in the model regions was presented in 2015 (Handle, Haucinger & Zöhrer, 2015) and approved by the Federal Ministry of Education and Women's Affairs on 3rd September 2015 as part of the "Binding Guidelines for the Development of Inclusive Model Regions ". The concept defines four objectives: 1. increasing the quality of inclusion in mainstream schools 2. reorganisation of the centres for inclusive and special needs education 3. efficient and needs-oriented use of resources 4. quality of the procedures for the attribution of special educational needs and of the notification of special educational needs.

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