Inclusive multigrade classroom

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"Multigrade classrooms with integration or integrative multigrade classrooms are multigrade classrooms in which children with and without special educational needs are taught together. The multigrade classroom is based on the fact that all children learn at different levels. Each child makes the most learning progresses at their own pace, starting from the point where they currently stand. This means that it is not the case that only children with special educational needs have different learning contents and therefore exceptional status. They are an example of diversity, integration and diversity in action. All children benefit from each other and learn together in a challenging and supportive environment. In multigrade classrooms, children from 4 - 5 grades are taught together. Such classrooms exist at primary schools and also at secondary schools. Teaching takes place in a team of teachers. Hitherto, this consisted of a primary school teacher and a special needs teacher, as in any other inclusive class, plus a team teacher for 10 - 14 hours. This is necessary to be able to offer high-quality teaching for 4 - 5 school levels for a very heterogeneous class."

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